Southampton falls short to Park View

Published 11:51 am Friday, October 23, 2015

Southampton volleyball fell short against Park View on Tuesday night, with scores of 17-25, 25-23, 12-25 and 18-25.

“We played extremely hard, and overall the girls played a great game. They showed a great deal of improvement from the first time they played. I told the girls at the end of the night how frustrating it is to play such a great match and still come up short,” coach Amy Davis said.

The Indians had lost to the Dragons earlier in the season on Sept. 17, with scores of 18-25, 9-25 and 17-25.

Southampton volleyball played better as a team on Tuesday night, but fell short to Park View. -- Murray Thompson | Tidewater News

Southampton volleyball played better as a team on Tuesday night, but fell short to Park View. — Murray Thompson | Tidewater News

Highlights from Tuesday night’s game included Courtney Vinson with 19 assists, two digs and two saves; Jenna Billups with six kills and six digs; Emma Drake with 16 kills, 15 blocks and three digs; Allie Holt with two kills and two blocks; Sarah Williams with six kills, two aces and three digs; and Danielle Moore with seven assists.

“Although we played well we still have room for improvement so if we face them again in post season play we will make the adjustments necessary to win. Our biggest short coming last night was missed serves and missed opportunities on serve receive,” Davis continued. “We talked a lot about when you face good teams it’s the little things that will make the difference. The mistakes you are able to get away with when you are playing less skilled competitors hurt you a great deal more when you play good teams.”

Senior Jenna Billups said, “After we lost to Park View earlier in the season we were all motivated to work harder. We came out prepared and everyone played well. Park View was a good team, but we hung with them. Even though we didn’t finish with a win, we all fought hard and left everything on the court. I am proud of all of my teammates. I could not ask for better teammates for my senior year.”

Senior Courtney Vinson added, “We all came out last night with 100 percent confidence. We fought through the first set but then we let them have it.

During the second set we gave it our all and we pulled through and did all of the simple things and we came out with a win. The last two sets we didn’t do the simple things and we gave them the win. I think we played 100 percent better than the first time we played them. I am proud of everyone who played with our hearts and didn’t give up. I love my team.”

Sophomore Emma Drake said, “Last night we played the best we have played in a while. Just because we didn’t come out with the win does not mean we’re giving up. We all know what we are capable of and will continue to strive for the remainder of the season.”

The Indians will play again on Tuesday in a home game against Kings Fork starting at 5:30 p.m.

“We have room for improvement on mental toughness and focus when serving and serve receive, both of which we will focus on these next two weeks in practice and in our remaining games to prepare us for conference play,” Davis added.