Southampton Academy wins in straight sets

Published 11:46 am Saturday, October 17, 2015

Southampton Academy defeated Kenston Forest in an away game on Thursday night, with scores of 25-18, 25-20 and 25-18.

Coach Rebecca Harper said, “Kenston Forest is a rival of Southampton Academy’s, and these were big wins for each of our teams. The junior junior varsity and junior varsity girls were wonderful cheerleaders during the varsity match. They gave the Kenston fans some competition. We are very thankful for their support.”

Highlights for the game included Avery Pope with seven aces; Allison Matthews served 13 points, had two kills and two blocks; Ashten Hinkle served 12 points, had six kills and two blocks; Mason Pope with nine kills and two blocks; and Jordan Marks with five kills

Harper added, “Ashten Hinkle saved numerous points for us. She was all over the floor and played her heart out. Mason Pope was also on the floor many times getting balls back into play and Avery Pope was sick and played her heart out despite not feeling very well. Kara Beth Poole went on a great run at the end of the last game.”

Senior Ashten Hinkle said, “It was a good game. We started off slow but we pulled through and never gave up.”

Coach Emmy Hodges said, “I couldn’t be more proud of our girls. It was an intense game and they stuck with it. They showed a lot of heart for their team.”

Harper then added, “I was so proud of our girls. All the teams played hard and worked well together. Kenston Forest had a lot of fans and were supportive of their team. Our girls tuned out the noise and focused on the game. We were thrilled to come away with three wins.”

Varsity will play undefeated Amelia on Monday night.