Southampton volleyball improves at challenge course

Published 12:17 pm Friday, October 16, 2015

On Sunday, both the Southampton varsity and junior varsity volleyball teams participated in the 4H Challenge Course at the Airfield 4H Center in Wakefield to bond more as a team and learn better communication skills to help for the rest of the season.

When the teams arrived the instructors began telling them the reasons why they were there: to have fun, to learn better communication skills and to work on team building skills.

During the warm up activities, varsity and junior varsity worked together. They then broke off into separate teams during the challenge course.

“At the challenge course we participated in a variety of physical and mental obstacles,” coach Amy Davis said. “All of the obstacles required trust, commitment, communication, teamwork and positivity.”

After the teams completed each obstacle, the instructor had them reflect on their experience. He asked them to examine what was easy and challenging about the activities and then connect that to volleyball and life experiences.

Many of the girls and the coach said they feel that they benefited greatly from completing this challenge course as it will not only help the team as a whole for the rest of the season like it was intended to but, it will also help each girl individually in the long with volleyball and with personal skills. The girls also said they learned the value of working together.

Sophomore Ashlyn Edwards said, “I believe that communication is key. On the first course we did not talk a whole lot and it took us longer and it was difficult. Throughout the rest of the courses we started talking more and it became a little easier for us to work as a team. I think, as a whole, that we have learned that, on the court, we have to communicate and become one to accomplish something great.”

Sophomore Madison Wright said, “Our opening exercise was working on communication and I learned a lot about my team. Then we headed to the course. We had to work hard as a team to complete the tasks. You really had to focus on listening to each other. I believe that it built us up as a team. I really enjoyed the activities yesterday. One team, one dream.”

Davis added, “This was such a valuable experience for the girls, it most definitely served its purpose of strengthening the team and gaining a better understanding of the value of teamwork not only with sports but with family, friendships, in school and, one day, in a career in an extremely positive and fun environment.”

Freshman Madeline Burgess said, “I think the JV benefitted greatly from going to the challenge course at the Airfield Center. We learned a lot of team bonding exercises and strategies for working together. It brought us closer together as a team.”

Senior Danielle Moore said, “I feel like the challenge course brought our team closer and we can trust each other more now.”

Davis also added, “Sometimes as coaches and players you get into a routine and focus so much on practicing and winning you lose sight of why you are here in the first place. Although skills and techniques are incredibly important with any athletic competitions, the relationship your team has will create a determination in each player that will result in success. Success isn’t always defined as winning. Success is improving, working hard, achieving goals, giving all of your efforts, fixing mistakes, supporting your team and becoming better all around. I believe

we gained some valuable lessons today that will help each player and coach be better.