Southampton Academy ready for rematch against Kenston Forest

Published 4:24 pm Thursday, September 24, 2015

Southampton Academy lost on Tuesday night to Kenston Forest in a five-set match.

Coach Rebecca Harper said, “It was a really good game, but we came up short in the end.  It was definitely a heart breaker, but our girls gave it everything they had.”

The final scores for the games were 26-28, 25-19, 24-26, 28-26 and 15-11.Their record is now 2-2 and overall 2-1 in TriRivers District play.

Some stats for the game on Tuesday night were Jordan Marks with three aces and 10 kills and Mason Pope with 12 kills and six blocks.

Harper stated, “Allison Matthews had multiple digs, but she had two wonderful digs that robbed Kenston Forest of a definite kill otherwise. Ashten Hinkle had a great game from the service line.

She was very consistent and her serves were what kept us in the game at several different times. Avery Pope did a wonderful job getting her teammates up. She also had some wonderful tricky passes that caught the other team off guard, and had a beautiful block against one of their good hitters.”

The fans were very encouraging towards the team at this game. The students brought signs and created an intimidating student section, as the fans were encouraged to dress in black.

“It was fun to see so much support for the volleyball program,” she said. “Our girls played their hearts out and gave it everything they had. In the end, a few more serves in and I think we would have had this game. We have to work on our consistency with serving. It killed us toward the end. Kenston Forest had some great servers and some good hitters. I was proud of the intensity and teamwork I saw.”

Southampton Academy will play again on Sept. 29 at Tidewater Academy.