Chowan Hawks win in overtime against the Golden Bulls

Published 12:15 pm Saturday, January 11, 2014

MURFREESBORO, N.C.—With four seconds remaining in the game between the Chowan University Hawks and the Golden Bulls of Johnson C. Smith University, Kortez Smith for the Hawks on a rebound dropped a basket to tie the game at 69 all and send the game into over-time.

Kortez Smith starts drive to basket led scoring with 23 points. -- FRANK DAVIS | TIDEWATER NEWS

Kortez Smith starts drive to basket led scoring with 23 points. — FRANK DAVIS | TIDEWATER NEWS

Playing at the Helms Center on the Chowan University campus on Thursday, the Hawks led the game going into the second half.

The Golden Bulls fought back and at 14:24 remaining in the game took the led 44-43. The score see-sawed between the two teams but with nine seconds the Hawks were down 65-61. A layup by the Hawks Phoenix Butler-Poole closed the score to 65-63.

A turnover gave the Hawks a last attempt at either tie the game or going for it all. A missed three pointer by the Hawks Kyree Bethel resulted in the rebound and a shot to tie the game by Smith to force overtime.

The overtime period went down to minutes before either team could score. With nine seconds remaining in the overtime period, the score was tied at 69 all and the Hawks in possession of the ball. Down to two seconds the Hawks Smith fired a three-pointer and was fouled on the shot. Gong to the line, Smith sunk all three shots, which resulted in the 72-69 win for the Hawks.

The Hawks had four players in double figures. They were Kortez Smith with 23 points, Phoenix Butler-Poole and Kyree Bethel, both with 12 points, and Warren Powers with 11 points.

The Hawks are now in fourth place in the northern division of the CIAA with a record of 1-3 in the conference and 5-7 overall.