Wm. Johnson & Sons Funeral Home

Published 9:27 am Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Name of person featured: John Lowe

Name of business: Wm. Johnson & Sons Funeral Home.

Address: 224 S. Main St., Franklin

Phone number of business: 562-3393

Operating hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Web address: www.wmjohnsonandsons.com

Nature of Business: Funeral home

Manager: Raystine Johnson

Year Founded: 1914

Number of employees: Five

Advice to young entrepreneurs: Be honest in all your dealings and treat everyone with respect

Your first job: Janitor at Parker Drug

Your role model (in business or in life generally) and why: Raystine Johnson is my role model in business because she remains ethical. Raystine maintains dignity and respect for business, which was passed down by her parents, R.T.H. Johnson Sr. and R.E.W. Johnson. She believes that everyone is equal.

The key to a successful business is: Keeping God first to get directions and being ethical