Rhodes Tree Works
Published 9:18 am Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Name of person featured: Billy Rhodes
Name of Business: Rhodes Tree Works
Street address: Zuni
Phone number: 757-416-2616
Operating hours: Various
E-mail address: rhodestreeworks10@yahoo.com
Nature of business: Tree service
Owner: Billy Rhodes
Year founded: 2010
Prior locations: Formerly a partner with “Powell Tree Service”
Number of employees: One and various family members
How’s business: Hope it is going to be good — just starting out
One thing you wish everyone knew about your business: We take pride in our work. We treat your job like it is our job.
Something you offer that a customer won’t find elsewhere: Professional, reliable and dependable service.
Advice to young entrepreneurs: If you are willing to work hard, you can achieve your goals.
Your first job: Collins Importers as a warehouse worker
Your role model (in business or in life generally): My father, my mother and my wife. I draw inspiration from the three whom I consider to be my foundation.
The key to a successful business is: Always give 110 percent; this will ensure that the customer is always satisfied.