COLUMN: Lady Wisdom lives

By Rev. Jean Mackay Vinson
Guest Columnist

We, as individuals and as communities, are works in progress. We always need higher wisdom. The author of Proverbs (likely Solomon) knew this and included these wisdom sayings along with nuggets of Judaic tradition such as sayings, speeches and even reprimands. The Proverbs are composed to guide people and communities throughout life.

What is this wisdom? In the Bible, the word proverb means “masterful understanding,” “skill” or “expertise.” As a foundational way of life, the builder of this wisdom is personified as a woman: Wisdom has built her house. (9:1) And so, it behooves us to look at the meaning of Lady Wisdom and how She guides us in this day. In the modern imagination of our culture, how do you think of wisdom? What images come up for you?

The Bible portrays Woman Wisdom as a person; Proverbs describes her as a guide (6:22), a beloved sister or bride (7:4), and as a hostess (9:1-6). Suffice to say, Lady Wisdom is intelligent, wise, a prophet and royal. The teachers of Jewish life at the time imparted this Wisdom to the young to keep the Jewish legacy alive throughout the generations. We act similarly within the Christian community: we stay close to Scripture; we attend Bible Study and we seek wise counsel.

My Dad made up his own Proverbs – particularly ones from his Scottish heritage. His favorite was this: you take the low road and I’ll take the high road and I’ll get to Scotland before ye… I knew he meant that the higher moral decisions are often difficult but lead us to the right places in life. To be certain, this is the way God works: allowing us to learn from wisdom and pass that wisdom to one another.

Many of us have had our image of God as a male formed from childhood. In actuality, God is a BEING: neither male nor female. Why then does Scripture refer to God as a ‘he’? It is not because God is up there wearing trousers, smoking a cigar and watching football. God is referenced in the masculine to point to the relationship of God as Father, provider and protector.

Sadly, the use of the pronoun ‘he’ with reference to God has led to wrong thinking around the globe, and in Christianity as a whole. People started thinking that women were created lower than men. And it simply is not true. There is not and has never been a spiritual hierarchy. As we all know, this led to a harmful patriarchy within Christianity. For the most part, women have paid the price. In the past fifty years, thankfully, this imbalance has started to unravel. We, as men and women together, are educating others to restore the balance and sync with the original intention of God’s Word.

As an example, many believe that God created Eve to be subordinate to Adam, and by extension Woman to be subordinate to Man. Why? Because Genesis names Eve as God’s ‘helper.’ The word ‘helper’ translated in English is NOT what the Hebrew word means. English defines ‘helper’ as an assistant, someone lesser in rank, and implies that women are lesser than men. The actual Hebrew word in Genesis – ezer – denotes a woman as one who shares power in human nature and is equal to the male in ‘Godlike personhood.’ 

The true status of women as ‘helper’ in the Hebrew language means wise, equal and powerful – similar to Lady Wisdom.

Is this news to you? Is this a paradigm shift for you?

Since Scripture characterizes Wisdom as a female… an actual person, this implies a profound relationship no matter if we are male or female. 

Proverbs describes Wisdom as God’s companion (8:25). Wisdom stands beside God as the balance of the world is created. She is the operative aspect of what has been created. Wisdom is creative and timeless. She is grace and faith. She is God’s pattern of our faithful response. Wisdom brings us into deep relationship with God.

We, too, are called into this relationship. We, too, seek to live into Wisdom so we can relate within God’s very being while living on this earth.

Are you Wisdom for someone else’s journey? Does someone seek your advice as a parent, grandparent, friend? Are you that wiser person?

Will you consider sharing not only your own life’s wisdom but also seek out ways to connect it to Lady Wisdom? Because Lady Wisdom far surpasses our own.

REVEREND JEAN VINSON is the Rector at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Franklin.
