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FCPS superintendent sets town hall meeting for Feb. 17

Franklin City Public Schools announced Friday afternoon, Feb. 14, that Superintendent Dr. Carlton Carter will host a town ...


FHS students protest decision to move Felts

A video posted on social media shortly after 11 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 14, appears to show students ...


IW planners split 4-3 in endorsing revised Windsor multi-warehouse proposal

Ten months after recommending rejection of the Tidewater Logistics Center multi-warehouse complex proposed for the outskirts of Windsor, ...


Council to reconsider utility bill due date

The Franklin City Council came to a consensus during its Jan. 27 meeting to change the due date ...


Public, council concerned about move by FCPS

Both members of the public and Franklin City Council expressed significant concern Monday, Feb. 10, with Franklin City ...


Hicks returns to Windsor Planning Commission

The Windsor Town Council voted 5-0 on Jan. 14 to appoint veteran educator Debra Hicks to the town’s ...


Felts appointed to FCPS Central Office role

Franklin City Public Schools has officially announced the appointment of Travis Felts as the school division’s new director ...


City cracking down on illegally placed signs

Franklin City Manager Rosylen Oglesby announced at the Franklin City Council meeting on Jan. 27 that she had ...


FCPS to operate on 2-hour delay Feb. 12

Franklin City Public Schools announced Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 11, that due to the potential for overnight freezing, it ...


SCPS to be closed Feb. 11 due to weather conditions

Southampton County Public Schools announced shortly after 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11, that it will be closed ...

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