FS stronger together: Professional development tools for your business

Published 6:46 am Saturday, March 28, 2020

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

By Lauren Sloan


Franklin Southampton Economic Development, Franklin-Southampton Area Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Franklin Association are partnering together with this article series to provide you, both business owner and resident alike, with up-to-date resources and suggestions for furthering your business and personal development during this unusual season.

First up: professional development. The country has recommended people stay in their homes, so it’s time to work on your business, not in it. Libby is a phone app that gives all library card holders access to thousands of e-books for virtual rental. ‘Pick up’ a compelling business book or take this opportunity to improve your leadership skills. We recommend “Strengths Based Leadership” by Tom Rath or “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek.

Ever tried listening to a business podcast? What a treat you’ll give yourself during this slower season. Take a listen to “This is Success,” an audio series providing conversations with today’s most inspiring business, entertainment and government leaders. Learn from their mistakes and uncover tips and tricks on how to carry yourself successfully.

Another one of our top choices comes from Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon. The “Being Boss” podcast targets creative entrepreneurs, offering habits, routines, and boundaries that help you make money doing what you love.

Going back to school more your style? Classcentral.com is offering FREE courses taught by world-class universities and institutions. The platform offers a wide variety of topics, from Intro to Computer Science from MIT to Harvard University’s class on Leaders of Learning.

Talk about an amazing creative platform: Skillshare offers participants an enormous database for learning various creative skills. Web Development? Photography? Creative Writing? You name it. Create a profile and get learning today.

We will continue to share best tips and practices for you and your business over the next few weeks. The most important thought to remember during this time is this: You are not alone. We are resilient. We are adaptable. We are stronger together.

LAUREN V. SLOAN is the Business Development manager at FSEDI. Contact her at 562-1958 or lsloan@franklinsouthamptonva.com.