Barbara Blunt
Published 10:48 am Saturday, February 23, 2013
Name: Barbara Blunt

Barbara Blunt says her proudest achievement was giving birth to her three children. — JAMES ARTIS/TIDEWATER NEWS
Age: 49
Occupation and title: Cashier
Spouse’s name: Juan Blunt
Children’s names and ages: Carlos, 30, Darren and Cherren, 24
Church affiliation: Mt. Tabor Baptist
People say I look like: My mother
TV show I never miss: “Criminal Minds”
The secret to happiness is: Being humble
I wish I knew how to: Sing
If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Chicken, pork chops and potato salad
One superpower I wish I had: Change the way people act
Book currently on my nightstand: “Bible”
My proudest achievements: Having my children
My most humbling moment: When I joined Mt. Tabor and then got saved
My most recent trip: Newport News
My life won’t be complete until: I see Jesus
I really lose my cool when: People treat the elderly wrong
Favorite pro sports team: Dallas
Favorite color: Blue
Best life lesson I’ve learned and who taught me: Don’t trust everybody. My mother.
Best decision I’ve made in life: When I married my husband
Local charitable or non-profit organization I wish more people would support: Relay for Life
Most recent venture: Having dinner with all of my children