Orange Jackson

Published 11:07 am Saturday, June 16, 2012

Name: Orange Jackson

Age: 37

Occupation: Preschool teacher

Children’s names and ages: William, 17, and Kamla, 12

If I could change my name I’d make it: Renay, which is my middle name

Pets I’d like to own: Baby monkey

People say I look like: Chili from the rhythm and blues group TLC

Favorite movie of all time: “Godzilla”

TV shows I never miss: “First 48”

The secret to happiness is: Within
I wish I knew how to: Swim

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Rice, hot dogs and corn beef hash

Three words that best describe me: Strong-willed, multi-tasker, perfectionist

One superpower I wish I had: Bionic memory

Book on my nightstand: “Getting Through the Tough Stuff”

My proudest achievement: Being a mother

My most humbling moment: Being asked to manage a childcare center.

My most recent trip: Roanoke

My life won’t be complete until: God says so
My friends think I’m: A good and patient person to teach young children

I really lose my cool when: Children are disrespectful

Favorite color: Black

Best life lesson I’ve learned and who taught me: Always be independent — my mother

Best decision in life: To let go and let God!

What gives me the blues: Feeling I’m not being a good person

Best childhood memory: Dancing with my dad

Most recent venture: Relocating here from Illinois alone with my children