Chyretta Ferrill

Published 11:00 am Saturday, May 26, 2012

Name: Chyretta Ferrill

Chyretta Ferrill says the secret to happiness is practicing yoga. -- JAMES ARTIS/TIDEWATER NEWS

Age: 39

Occupation: Teacher

Spouse’s name: James

Children’s ages: Rylan, 9; Royce, 14

Church affiliation: Calvary Revival

Pets I’d like to own: Boxer

People say I look like: My mom

Favorite movie of all time: “Big Fat Liar”

The secret to happiness is: Practicing yoga

I wish I knew how to: Say “no” more often
Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: “Love on Top” by Beyonce

Three words that best describe me: Passionate, inspiring, loving

One superpower I wish I had: Mind reading

Book on my nightstand: “Daily Devotion for Women”

My proudest achievement: My children

My most humbling moment: Becoming a parent

My most recent trip: Trip around Europe, including Italy, Spain, Switzerland and France

My life is complete until: I run a marathon
My friends think I’m: An exercise beast

Favorite pro sports team: Philadelphia Eagles

Favorite color: Purple

Best life lesson and who taught me: To believe and have confidence in myself. My parents and my fitness family

Best decision in life: To become a fitness instructor

Best childhood memory: Spending time with my dad, grandfather and uncles at the bowling alley

Most recent venture: A mini trip to Williamsburg with my husband