Scott Maynard

Published 10:07 am Friday, September 16, 2011

Name: Scott Maynard

Scott Maynard

Age: 37

Occupation: U.S. Navy diver, leading chief petty officer

Spouse’s name: Jennifer Maynard

Children’s names and ages: Elizabeth, 3, Adeline, 1

Church affiliation: Franklin Baptist

If I could change my name, I’d make it: Crush

Pet I’d like to own: German shepherd

People say I look like: Richard Gere

Favorite movie of all time: “Men of Honor”

TV show I never miss: “Rescue Me”

The secret to happiness is: Family

I wish I knew how to: Drive a tractor

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”

If I had to eat only four foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: French fries, Chinese, hamburgers, steak

Three words that best describe me: Ambitious, determined, hard-headed

One superpower I wish I had: Aquaman powers

Book currently on nightstand: None

My proudest achievement: Becoming a Navy diver

My most humbling moment: Experiencing the births of my children

My life won’t be complete until: I see my girls grow up

My friends think I’m: An OK guy

I really lose my cool when: Things do not go the way I thought they would

Favorite color: Blue

The best life lesson I’ve learned, and who taught me: Everyone has a choice, but with that choice there are always consequences — my wife

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life: Asking my wife to marry me

Local charitable or non-profit organization I wish more people would support: Franklin Fire and Rescue

What gives me the blues: Seeing my girls sick

What’s your best childhood memory: When I hurt my foot and my mom took me to the local fire station. I got to sit in a fire truck for the first time.