Debbie Jeter

Published 10:04 am Saturday, August 20, 2011

Name: Debbie Jeter

Debbie Jeter is chief executive officer and founder of Bear Path Acres Animal Education Center in Southampton County. -- JAMES ARTIS | TIDEWATER NEWS

Age: 52

Occupation: Chief executive officer, founder of Bear Path Acres Animal Education Center in Southampton County

Spouse’s name: Spencer

Children: Six adult children, 17 grandchildren with two more on the way

Pet I’d like to own: Serval, wallaby, lion cub

Favorite movie of all time: “Shenandoah” with Jimmy Stewart

TV show I never miss: Don’t watch TV

The secret to happiness is: Work hard and follow your dreams

I wish I knew how to: Hang glide

Song I’d love to sing at karaoke: Anything Elton John

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Bread, pork, broccoli

Three words that best describe me: Caring, hard working, devoted

One superpower I wish I had: Healing the sick and injured

Book on my nightstand: “Bible”

My proudest achievement: Bear Path Acres

My most humbling moment: My son’s death

My most recent trip: Pennsylvania to pick up grizzly bear

My life won’t be complete until: The general public genuinely cares about the environment

My friends think I’m: Crazy, smart, compassionate, caring

I really lose my cool when: Someone lies, cheats, steals

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned and who taught you: Dedication, hard work and give 110 percent — my mother

What’s the best decision you’ve made in life: To marry my husband

Local charitable or non-profit organization I wish more people would support: Bear Path Acres

What gives you the blues: Not enough funding for the rehabilitation department

What’s your best childhood memory: Family vacation in Smokey Mountains