JoAnne Fisher

Published 9:49 am Saturday, June 4, 2011

Name: JoAnne Fisher

JoAnne Fisher's favorite movie is "To Kill a Mockingbird." -- KATE ARCHER | TIDEWATER NEWS

Age: 36 for a few years

Occupation: Sales

Children’s names and ages: Jennifer McCoy, 39

If I could change my name I’d make it: Sunshine

Pet I’d like to own: Big dogs Doberman, Dane, Rottie

People say I look like: Paula Deen

Favorite movie of all time: “To Kill a Mockingbird”

TV show I never miss: I don’t own a T.V.

The secret to happiness is: Making the best of everything

I wish I knew how to: Fly

Song Id love to sing karaoke to: “Volcano” by Jimmy Buffett

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Steak (medium-rare), ice cream, hoagies

Three words that best describe me: Soft, funny and honest

One superpower I wish I had: Mind reading

Book on my nightstand: “Gone for Good”

My proudest achievement: Being a good person

My most humbling moment: Death of my mom

My most recent trip: Pennsylvania to see family

My life won’t be complete until: My grandson’s college graduation

My friends think I’m: Unusual

I really lose my cool when: Someone lies to me

Favorite college sports team: Nittany Lions

Favorite pro sports team: Philadelphia Eagles

Favorite Color: Green

What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned and who taught you: Mom – make the best of it

What’s the best decision you made in life: To remain single

Local charitable or non-profit organization I wish more people would support: Goodwill

What gives me the blues: The state of our economy

My best childhood memory: Playing in the snow with my brother

What’s your next venture: Going to Hawaii in October