Windsor tennis team wins district tourney

Published 9:54 am Monday, May 23, 2011

Windsor partners Zach Stenger-Hayden, left, and Bryce Lawrence charge a short drop shot by Appomattox Regional Governor's School during the Tri-Rivers District Championship match in Franklin on Saturday. FRANK A. DAVIS/TIDEWATER NEWS

FRANKLIN—Windsor High School boys’ tennis team won the Tri-Rivers District Tournament, which was held on Thursday and Friday in Suffolk and completed on Saturday in Franklin.

Windsor’s Bryce Lawrence and Zach Stenger-Hayden took out Barsamian & Horton of Appomattox Regional in the finals 6-2,6-3. Lawrence and Stenger-Hayden will represent the Tri-Rivers at the Region A tournament in Suffolk on June 1 and 2.

In the girls semifinals, Windsor’s Laura Patrick and Jessica Blythe lost 6-1, 6-1, to Shelby Floyd and Andrea Hey of Appomattox Regional Governors School.

In related matters, the Franklin High School girls’ team finished their season 5-10 overall and 2-4 in the district.

For the boys’ and girls’ teams in the district, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School placed first, Windsor second, Franklin third and Surry fourth.

ARGS boys and girls will host the first round of Region A team tournament on Tuesday, May 31, at Petersburg. They will play Rappahonnock boys and girls, who are Northern Neck District champs.