Eliese Edgcomb

Published 10:20 am Saturday, April 23, 2011

Name: Eliese Edgcomb

Eliese Edgcomb's favorite movie is "P.S. I Love You."

Age: 31

Occupation: Teacher

If I could change my name it would be: I’d change my middle name to Jean after my grandma

Pet I own: Three cats and a dog

Favorite movie of all time: “P.S. I Love You”

TV show I never miss: “Survivor,” “How I Met Your Mother,” “Big Bang Theory” and Buffalo Sabres hockey.

The secret to happiness is: Friends and family

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: Country music

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Pasta, burgers, Indian food

Three words that best describe me: Caring, loyal, giving

One superpower I wish I had: To multitask better and get everything done

My most recent trip: Home to Buffalo, N.Y., to see family and friends

My proudest achievement: Graduating college

My life won’t be complete until: I’m married and have a family

The best life lesson I’ve learned and who taught me: Friends and family are the most important thing in life

Best decision I’ve made in life: To move to Virginia to by near my sister. I now have a wonderful nephew to spoil with another niece/nephew on the way. I also have found someone special to share my life with, who I wouldn’t have met if I’d stayed in New York.

Local charitable or non-profit organization I wish more people would support: Southeast Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue

My best childhood memory: Spending time with family. We always had fun laughing, playing games. Growing up, my twin sister and I would play games, Barbies and dress up together.