Eric Horgan

Published 10:04 am Saturday, April 16, 2011

Name: Eric Horgan

Age: 22

Occupation: Student and technician with Southside Fire Extinguisher

Church affiliation: Courtland Baptist

If I could change my name it would be: Jimmy Dean

Pet I’d like to own: Sugar bear

People say I look like: Robert Plant

Favorite movie of all time: “Land Before Time 34”

TV show I never miss: “America’s Next Top Model”

The secret to happiness is: Unbeknownst to me

I wish I knew how to: Fly

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: Free Bird

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Spam, hot dogs and baklava

Three words that best describe me: Long, lean and handsome

Book currently on my nightstand: “Animal Farm”

My proudest achievement: Riding my bike without training wheels

My friends think I’m: An OK guy

I really lose my cool when: I see people treat their kids badly

Favorite college sports team: William & Mary cycling

Favorite pro sports team: Cleveland Indians

Favorite color: Greenish-brown

What gives you the blues: Muddy waters

The best life lesson I’ve learned and who taught me: You can’t always get what you want — Mick Jagger

Best decision I’ve made in life: Growing out my hair

My best childhood memory: Phish concert at Virginia Beach Amphitheater on Aug. 17, 1997

What’s your most recent venture: Training for a marathon