Margaret Evie Milteer

Published 12:56 pm Sunday, March 6, 2011

Name: Margaret Evie Milteer Fowler

Margaret Evie Milteer Fowler, 91, is a retired seamstress.

Age: 91

Occupation: Retired seamstress

Spouse: Oscar B. Fowler Sr.

Children’s names and ages: Oscar B. Fowler Jr., 68; Trudy F. Smith, 65; Joan F. Minter, 62; and Timothy M. Fowler, 60

Church Affiliation: Holy Neck Christian Church in Holland for 80 years

If I could change my name, I’d make it: I wouldn’t because I was named after both of my grandmothers, Taylor and Milteer

People say I look like: My cousin, Anne West

Favorite movie of all times: “Gone with the Wind”

TV show I never miss: Lawrence Welk on Saturday nights

The secret to happiness is: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

I wish I knew how to: Play the piano

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: “Love Me Tender”

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Chicken potpie, butter beans and strawberry pie

Three words that best describe me: Determined, hardworking and lover of flowers, antiques and books

One superpower I wish I had: Control the weather for the farmers’ crops

Book currently on my nightstand: The Daily Guidepost Devotional and The Nature of Things by Rex Alphin

My proudest achievement: My children

My most humbling moment: I was a former seamstress. When Mildred Holmes of Suffolk asked me to re-make her long expensive fur coat into a short one, I felt like she really had faith in me

My most recent trip: My children take me to church with my wheelchair van.

My life won’t be complete until: I can drive my car again

My friends think I’m: Young-looking for my age

I really lose my cool when: People don’t do what they promise

Favorite college sports team: Elon College, where some of my children attended

Favorite pro sports team: My son-in-law, Marshall, really loves the Redskins

Favorite Color: Purple

The best life lesson I’ve learned and who taught me: Read often because you never stop learning. My seventh-grade teacher

Best decision I’ve made in life: To become a wife and mother

Local charitable or non-profit organization I wish more people would support: The church

What gives me the blues: When I hear someone say ugly words

My best childhood memory: Eating hot homemade biscuits with homemade strawberry jam on my grandma’s back porch on a warm spring day