Mildred Ann Gray

Published 8:37 am Friday, November 12, 2010

Name: Mildred Ann Gray

Mildred Gray’s proudest achievement was raising seven good kids.

Age: 79

Residence: East Pavilion nursing home, Franklin

Spouse: The late B.C. Gray

Number of children: Seven

Church affiliation: Courtland Baptist

If I could change my name, Id make it: I wouldn’t

People say I look like: My aunt whom I am named after

Favorite Movie of all time: “Gone With the Wind”

TV show I never miss: “CSI”

The secret to happiness is: Positive attitude

I wish I knew how to: Bring peace to the world

Song I’d love to sing karaoke to: “I Will Always Love You.” Whitney Houston and Dolly Parton sang it

If I had to eat only three foods for the rest of my life, they’d be: Campbell’s vegetable soup, key lime pie and watermelon

Three words that best describe me: A friendly, good listener who does not gossip.

One superpower I wish I had: I wish I could snap my fingers and do things for folks.

Literature on my nightstand: The Tidewater News

My proudest achievement: Raising seven kids without them getting into trouble

My most humbling moment : When the doctor told me my oldest daughter was going to live.

My most recent trip: To the mountains.

My life won’t be complete until: I make peace with everyone

My friends think I’m: Always there for them

I really lose my cool when: I see someone talking down to others or putting people down.

Favorite Color: Pink

The best life lesson I’ve learned and who taught me: To keep quiet and listen. Marjorie Tomlin

Best decision I’ve made in life: Coming to East Pavilion

Local charitable or non-profit organization I wish more people would support: Multiple Sclerosis

What gives me the blues: Rainy days

My best childhood memory: Living on Camp Lane as a child and climbing piles of lumber to sit with 10 friends and watch the traffic go by.