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Structure fire occurs at Franklin Collision Center

A structure fire occurred Monday evening, Feb. 17, in the front office of Franklin Collision Center. Responding firefighters ...


FCPS town hall meeting canceled; protest postponed

Franklin City Public Schools has posted on its website that the town hall meeting to be hosted by ...


FCPS superintendent sets town hall meeting for Feb. 17

Franklin City Public Schools announced Friday afternoon, Feb. 14, that Superintendent Dr. Carlton Carter will host a town ...


Council to reconsider utility bill due date

The Franklin City Council came to a consensus during its Jan. 27 meeting to change the due date ...


Public, council concerned about move by FCPS

Both members of the public and Franklin City Council expressed significant concern Monday, Feb. 10, with Franklin City ...


City cracking down on illegally placed signs

Franklin City Manager Rosylen Oglesby announced at the Franklin City Council meeting on Jan. 27 that she had ...


Support expressed for appointed school board

Franklin Mayor Paul Kaplan led a discussion at the Jan. 27 Franklin City Council meeting in which multiple ...


Wagenbach honored with memorial at Fred’s Restaurant

Friends of the late Dean Franklin Wagenbach have created a memorial for him that sits in front of ...


Still striving for unity in the communities

Although the air was frigid, the 14th annual MLK Walk and Program was a success for the Franklin ...


Dinner serves ‘those who serve us daily’

(A gallery of photos follows the story below. The photos were submitted by Bill Billings.) The eighth annual ...

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