Latest Isle of Wight County


ARGS opens applications beyond public school

Qualifying eighth graders in Franklin are invited to apply now for inclusion in the 2025-2026 schedule of classes ...


COLUMN: Why voting is so important

By Chris A. Quilpa Your Turn In a democratic society such as ours, elections (or voting) are held ...


EDITORIAL: Threats to schools beyond reckless

The recent threat that led to the closure of Paul D. Camp Community College is a stark reminder ...


Virginia Market News Service Weekly ag brief — Sept. 27, 2024

Virginia Market News Service reported the following weekly ag trends on Friday, Sept. 27: In Virginia, state graded ...


COLUMN: Contrasting views concerning inflation

By J. Edward Howell Jr. Your Turn All of us are challenged by the increase in prices of ...


Spectrum outage caused by Helene, restoration time unclear

Damage to lines is said to be the cause of the widespread Spectrum outage Friday. Charter spokesperson Scott ...


Woman’s Club of Windsor honors 9/11 victims

The Woman’s Club of Windsor placed a commemorative sign in town accompanied by American flags to honor and ...

Breaking News Archive

Flash Flood Warning issued for Franklin, Southampton, Isle of Wight

The National Weather Service issued a Flash Flood Warning on Friday, Sept. 27, for Franklin, Southampton County and ...


Walters Ruritan Club celebrates 75 years

The Walters Ruritan Club was joined Thursday, Sept. 12, by Ruritan National representatives to help celebrate the WRC’s ...


Revised Tidewater Logistics Center plan to be presented to public Sept. 26

The Meridian Group is holding a public meeting Thursday, Sept. 26, to present to Windsor residents the recent ...

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