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Bernacki reelected to council via write-in votes

Windsor Town Councilman Walter Bernacki has been reelected through write-in votes in the 2024 November General Election. Three ...


Southampton deputies search for missing adult last seen in Franklin

UPDATE: The Southampton County Sheriff’s Office reported Saturday afternoon, Nov. 9, that Lolethia Jones was located and is safe. ...

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Trump wins reelection to presidency

The Associated Press declared Republican Party candidate Donald J. Trump the winner of the 2024 presidential election early ...

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King, Republican federal candidates lead big in Southampton

Eleven of 11 precincts are now reporting in Southampton County, with provisional and post-election ballots outstanding, and Natalie ...

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Kaplan, Democratic federal candidates dominate in Franklin

Six of six precincts are now reporting in the city of Franklin, with provisional and post-election ballots outstanding, ...


UPDATED: Kaplan, Democratic federal candidates lead in Franklin

Electoral results are coming into focus in the city of Franklin, with five of six precincts reporting. Paul ...


Millfield Road crash sends three to hospital

A single-vehicle crash occurred Friday afternoon, Nov. 1, in Southampton County, sending three individuals, including two juveniles, to ...


Police investigating fatal Dorchester Street shooting

The Franklin Police Department is investigating a Dorchester Street shooting incident reported early Saturday morning, Sept. 28, that ...

Breaking News Archive

Flash Flood Warning issued for Franklin, Southampton, Isle of Wight

The National Weather Service issued a Flash Flood Warning on Friday, Sept. 27, for Franklin, Southampton County and ...


Isle of Wight Health Department begins rabies investigation

The Isle of Wight Health Department received information Wednesday, Sept. 25, that a raccoon found within the county ...

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