A sunny message in a bottle cap
Published 3:43 pm Wednesday, October 11, 2023
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Participants in the Adult Craftsy program at the Courtland library are hard at work, crafting their bottle-cap sunflower signs. (Photo submitted by Donna Pope)
This photo offers an over-the-shoulder look at the craftwork in progress. (Photo submitted by Donna Pope)
Sam Wilson smiles as she offers a look at her craft artistry. (Photo submitted by Donna Pope)
Janine Parker and Teresa Taranovich showcase their completed bottle-cap sunflower signs. (Photo submitted by Donna Pope)
Robin Russell is ready to hang her craftwork on a wall. (Photo submitted by Donna Pope)
Holding up the craftwork they produced at the recent Adult Craftsy program session in Courtland are Patty Collins and Ruth Glascock. (Photo submitted by Donna Pope)
Displaying her work at a recent Adult Craftsy program session in Courtland is Pam Lake. (Photo submitted by Donna Pope)
Sharon Mallon presents the sign she created in the Adult Craftsy program at the Courtland library. (Photo submitted by Donna Pope)
Crafters at the Courtland branch of the Blackwater Regional Library recently created sunflowers out of bottle caps and glued them onto a distressed wood sign during an Adult Craftsy program session.
For more information on all programs at Blackwater Regional Library, visit its website, www.BlackwaterLib.org, or its Facebook page, www.Facebook.com/BlackwaterLib/.