1973 Southampton High School football team will hold reunion

Published 6:20 pm Wednesday, October 11, 2023

By Clyde Parker
Looking Back

On Dec. 8, 1973, the Southampton High School “Indians” football team, led by Coach Wayne Cosby, traveled to Lynchburg to play the Brookville High School “Bees” for the State “AA” championship. Southampton had just completed a successful 12-0 season. Southampton won over the Brookville “Bees” with a score of 13 to 7. With that win, the coveted Virginia State “AA” Championship Trophy was awarded to the Southampton High School football team. That 1973 football team, at that time, brought eastern Virginia, the peanut district, and Southampton High School their first state championship in “AA” playoff history. 

Now, 50 years later, to again celebrate their winning of the Virginia State “AA” Championship Trophy, a reunion of that football team will be held. The reunion — and recognition of the players, the coaching staff, and the cheerleaders and spirit girls will take place at the football game that will be played Friday night, Oct. 13, 2023, at the Southampton High School football field. Bernard Goodwyn, quarterback for the 1978 Southampton High School championship football team, who is now Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court, will be the commentator. Following their attendance at the game, Friday night, the group will meet for a more private reunion.

CLYDE PARKER is a retired human resources manager for the former Franklin Equipment Co. and a member of the Southampton County Historical Society. His email address is magnolia101@charter.net.