Student artist draws Isle of Wheat logo, earns scholarship

Published 9:37 am Friday, August 11, 2023

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When Wharf Hill Brewing Co. wanted a logo and label for its flagship “Isle of Wheat” beer, it found the artistic solution right here at home.

Elizabeth DeFluri

Recent Smithfield High graduate Elizabeth DeFluri and Isle of Wight County Schools Coordinator of Educational Technologies and Communications David Elliott collaborated on the project, earning DeFluri a $1,000 scholarship from Wharf Hill in the process.

“We strive to give back to our wonderful small town and community,” said Dawn Carter, Wharf Hill’s marketing specialist. The brewery reached out to IWCS in the spring, and “before we knew it, we were in contact with a student and within a few weeks we had a draft of the logo. In a matter of three months’ time, we have had the privilege of meeting some fantastic school personnel as well as a great artist. We would like to recognize Elizabeth and David for their hard work and helpfulness in creating a scholarship program and logo. Elizabeth has put so much time and energy into creating this logo and helping us create a scholarship program, all while still preparing for her high school graduation and for college.”

Carter said the scholarship program “is still a work in progress, but we look forward to working with students in the future to help create artwork for our other flagship beers.”

DeFluri plans to attend Virginia Commonwealth University’s School of the Arts in the fall, majoring in communication arts.

As an intern in IWCS’ media and communications department, DeFluri created digital media content for the school division, including videos, weeb graphics and press releases. She also created documentary-style featurettes for the Smithfield Lions Club and was selected to create illustrations for the internationally used educational foreign language website VocesDigital.