LETTER: Sadler’s skill set is lacking
Published 4:59 pm Thursday, April 13, 2023
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To the Editor:
In the upcoming Virginia Senate 17th District Republican primary, inexperienced candidate Hermie Sadler seems to be running with limited skills that have nothing to do with community service.
His first skill is being an ex-professional NASCAR driver for 26 years, a skill that entailed driving an expensive race car around an oval track, as fast as he can, always steering left. Unfortunately, even with financial backing from sponsors like the lottery, he only managed to win two minor events in over 300 races.
The second skill sounds better, “business executive.” Starting in 2019, he assumed leadership of the Sadler family fuel and food empire, a business that’s been successfully operating since 1946. New chief executives of most companies carry heavy workloads. So how is it that the company can spare him from his leadership role for the extended periods of time needed to render senatorial duties? The job of state senator is a real commitment requiring time-consuming dedication if done right.
The third skill was proudly touted by Hermie when he first announced his intent to run. He has filed a lawsuit against the same commonwealth he now wishes to serve. In 2021, the state legislature placed restrictions on “skilled gaming machines.” His company filed a lawsuit to prevent the machines from being taken out of his company’s locations. The lawsuit has not been settled, but since there is a chance of failure, he now wants to be a senator who can influence new “gambling machine” legislation. According to him, “skilled gaming machines are a win-win for business and the commonwealth.”
Fortunately, in this primary we can chose a candidate with tested conservative skills that matter. Emily Brewer has been active in the Republican Party for over a decade, serving us well the past six years in the House of Delegates. She has entered two races and won two races. She knows how to run and win political races ethically and without subterfuge.
Emily Brewer has earned our respect the old-fashioned way, through hard work, long hours and dedication to all of her constituents. She answers calls and emails, doing it with a servant’s heart. She promises representation, not a self-serving agenda. She definitely has my vote for senator, 17th District.
Dick Grice