Public’s help needed with murder investigation

Published 11:55 am Friday, December 18, 2020

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Since the discovery of a Sedley man found murdered in Carrsville on Dec. 6, new information about the victim’s whereabouts has been discovered by investigators for the Isle of Wight County Sheriff’s Office. Capt. Tommy Potter, spokesman, is releasing the information to the public in hopes it will remind anyone of something they might have seen or heard connected to the case.

“We know that our victim — Casey Dakota Cagle — resided in Sedley, and that he probably arrived about 8:50 or 9 p.m. at the Walmart in Franklin for an extended period of time, approximately 30 minutes, then went straight to Elmwood Drive in Beaverbrook Manor Mobile Home [38000 block of Walters Highway].”

Video footage indicates Cagle was in the parking lot, but does not show him entering or exiting the store building

“Did anyone have contact with him at Walmart? Did they see him with anyone else,” Potter asked.

There’s also video at the mobile home park that shows him entering the site via Elmwood, all of which established a timeline for investigators.

The victim does not appear to have any family or friends at Beaverbrook, so it’s unknown why he would even go there. He was believed to have worked at Smithfield Foods at one point.

A forensic examination of the 19-year-old’s smartphone will be done once search warrants have been granted to access it and any apps that Cagle might have used.

The spokesman said that a Beaverbrook resident went outside the next morning and saw the car running, went over and found the young man slumped over the front seat. That person checked and discovered Cagle was dead. The resident told investigators they had heard nothing the night before.

The death was initially treated as a suspicious one, said Potter, and added that the medical examiner confirmed it was murder.

“We take all crimes very seriously,” he said.

People having any information on Casey D. Cagle’s murder are urged to contact the Isle of Wight/Smithfield/Windsor Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP or submit a tip to Select Isle of Wight County for tip submission. All tips remain confidential and callers are never asked to reveal their name or identity. Information leading to the arrest and conviction of the people responsible could earn the tipster a reward up to $5,000.