Looking Back: Oct. 31, 1919
Published 9:53 pm Monday, October 28, 2019
- Knight Drug Company of Franklin, which was founded in the late 1890 by J.R. Knight, was changed to Parker Drug Company by George H. Parker. -- Submitted Clyde Parker
By Clyde Parker
Judge McLemore to retire
Eminent jurist Judge James E. McLemore, of Courtland, just announced that he will not be a candidate for re-election next time around. He now holds the judgeship for the Fourth Circuit, which embraces Southampton County and Nansemond County, the City of Suffolk and the Norfolk Circuit Court. Judge McLemore has been this circuit’s judge for more than 12 years, succeeding Judge R.R. Prentis in July of 1907. He is one of the most able and learned jurists in Virginia. His ability, high personal integrity and extreme fairness have combined with his genial personality to make him one of the most popular judges of our state. Our people, without exception, hearing of his decision, are expressing their sincere regret.
Judge McLemore is a son of the late B.F. McLemore, who was a former clerk of the court for Southampton County and a Confederate veteran of recognized bravery and gallantry. Judge McLemore is brother to the present efficient Clerk of the Court H.B. McLemore and Dr. W.T. McLemore, both of Courtland, and has a wide family connection throughout Southampton County.
Judge McLemore’s decision to retire from the bench was made known this week before the Norfolk Bar Association. Expressions of high esteem in which Judge McLemore is held in that city were voiced by Judge Thomas H. Wilcox and Judge H.T. Loyall.
Judge Wilcox said: “Your announcement, sir, makes us sensible as members of the bar that we are about to lose a judge of great ability, learned in the law, and of the most honorable and upright character; and, it makes us sensible, as men, that an almost daily intercourse with a dear and valued friend is to be interrupted.”
Locally, at this time, there is no specific speculation as to his successor although Judge A.R. Hanckel, of the Corporation Court of Norfolk, and a few others, here and there, have been mentioned. However, a possible influencing factor has just come to light. We are hearing that a movement is afoot to make a change in the present circuit. From all appearances, strong sentiment is cropping up in Suffolk and Nansemond for a separate resident judge for just that city and county.
Parker Drug Company is established
Knight Drug Company of Franklin, Virginia, one of the town’s oldest and most progressive enterprises, has changed its name to Parker Drug Company. The company, which was founded in the late 1890 by Mr. J.R. Knight, is now entirely owned by Mr. George H. Parker, the new firm taking its name from him. Mr. Parker has been associated with the Knight Drug Company since the year 1900. Mr. Parker, early-on, was a business partner with Mr. Knight; however, for the past several years, he has been the predominate manager of the company. His conduct of the business has been characterized by continual enlargement, improvement and progress, adoption of modern methods, and installation of handsome store equipment. Parker Drug Company is one of the neatest business houses on Franklin’s Main Street.
Mr. Parker will devote his entire time to the business. In carrying on the old firm under its new name, he will, undoubtedly strive to render the same class of superior service which has made the store famous in the town and adjoining counties for years.
Blouse plant in operation
The famous Hofflin Blouse Company of Norfolk, manufacturer of “middy” styled blouses for women, is now operating out of the plant formerly operated by the Sunny South Overall Manufacturing Company. The property is located on the northeastern corner of Franklin Street and Gardner Street in Franklin.
Only white middy blouses, fashioned after sailor uniforms, are being made at present but later they will make skirts and blue serge “middy” suits. A force of some 20 experienced operators is now employed. New operators will be added and within a short period of time fifty or more girls are expected to be employed.
The work is light and clean. Young ladies wishing easy as well as short hours can find good employment there. The machines are run by electric power and are easy to operate. Good wages are being paid to beginners. Higher wages are paid after the girls become experienced.
Mr. M. Hofflin, company president of Norfolk, says he intends to make the Franklin plant one of his largest. He now has three successful plants operating in Norfolk and ships his products all over the United States.
Young ladies wishing steady work can obtain it by applying to this concern. The manager will gladly show applicants through the plant and explain the work. Applicants from nearby towns can secure good boarding places at reasonable prices by communicating with the manager.