4-H horse club begins new year with learning
Published 6:16 pm Thursday, October 24, 2019
- Club member Aurora Buss adds the horse fecal material to get the test started as Lilly Elkins and Abby Boyce look on for their turn to add the fecal material. — Submitted Maura Britt

Britches & Boots 4-H Horse Club member Lilly Elkins views the slide. Dr. Kate Theroux scanned the slide and found a parasite egg for members to view. — Submitted Maura Britt
By Maura Britt
The new 4-H year began on Oct. 1, and runs through Sept. 30, 2020. The Britches & Boots 4-H Horse Club met in September and planned some great activities. The club met on Oct. 19 for our business meeting and planned a Showmanship clinic coming up on Nov. 16; Dec. 7 – our Santa pictures and bake sale; and Dec. 14 – our meeting and Christmas party. There are so many exciting things to choose.
Britches & Boots 4-H Horse Club members attended a clinic at Dominion Equine Clinic with Dr. Kate Theroux. The club discussed vaccinations and vaccination sites on the horses and bones in the horse skeleton. It is very important to know where the bones are when administering injections as you can injure the horse. Club members learned about and discussed dewormers and parasites in horses. They learned that the fecal egg count helps to determine how well your deworming program is working. The club members learned how a fecal egg count was set up to see how many parasite eggs are in a sample.
While we waited for the fecal egg count to set up to make a slide, Dr. Kate, gave us a behind the scenes tour of Dominion Equine Clinic. Britches & Boots 4-H Horse Club members viewed the surgical suite, where horses are operated on by the veterinarians. We also saw the anesthesia and recover room and how they move the horse to the surgical suite. It was a great clinic.
When asked what they liked best, club member Abby Boyce said, “All of it! It was great!”
Club member Lilly Elkins said. “Using the microscope was awesome, so much fun!”
Remember, you have to register for 4-H to participate. Do you love horses? Join the Britches & Boots 4-H Horse Club by registering online at https://va.4honline.com, or call the Southampton County Extension Office at 653-2572.
4-H has so many opportunities to offer youth ages 5-19. Younger members ages 5-8 join as Cloverbuds to learn about 4-H and learn about different opportunities and competitions earning Cloverbud ribbons. Junior members age 9-13 can participate in local competitions like the District Horse Show on May 2. They can choose to qualify for the state competitions, attend clinics and 4-H events like summer camp and fishing extravaganza.
Seniors ages14-19 compete as well at the District Horse Show which qualifies them to compete at the Virginia State 4-H Horse Show. They learn leadership skills to participate as counselors-in-training and counselors at the IOW/Southampton County Junior Camp, or can attend Virginia 4-H Congress, and/or mentor younger members.