Meherrin Eagles read, watch a movie
Published 5:25 pm Friday, October 18, 2019
- From left, Meherrin Elementary School teachers Tracy Calhoun, Dawn Wise, Karen Sledge, Sharon Davis, Julie Darden and Sandra Tyler pass out free books to incoming students during their Title 1 Family Movie Night. Submitted | Lynn Varian

Natalie Hinson, Camden Jarrett, Eli Crawford, and Matt Crawford get comfortable as they enjoy the movie during Family Movie Night.
On Sept. 24, Meherrin Elementary School hosted a double family event, Title 1 Reading Night and PTO Family Movie Night. Students, parents and community members were invited to learn more about the Title 1 program within Meherrin Elementary School, then enjoy a movie and pizza together as a family. The school welcomed around 110 students, parents, and other guests.