Farm Bureau women open Little Free Library in Ivor

Published 7:18 pm Friday, October 18, 2019

Already these books have been stocked in the Little Free Library, and likely many are already checked out. — Stephen H. Cowles Tidewater News


The newest Little Free Library in Southampton County popped up in Ivor earlier this week. The easy to borrow, easy to lend book depository was established through the Virginia Farm Bureau Women’s Committee.

Jeannette Everett, one of the members, said mid-afternoon Monday that she came up with the idea after learning of the library on Bryant’s Church Road.

“I did my research and decided it was a project we could accomplish,” she said, adding that the cost was approximately $350.

With everyone in the committee onboard with the idea, Everett got started in late August, early September by ordering the kit. Ivor was picked as the site.

I’m so grateful to the Farm Bureau ladies for doing this for our town,” Mayor Tara Kea told The Tidewater News.”

This Little Free Library, like all others, will be registered online at

Residents can simply come to the post, which is in the playground beside the town hall, and pick out a book or bring one in for others to read. Naturally, there are already several books, many of them for children.

Ivor Vice Mayor Tim Suhr, Bruce Phillips, Everett and Kea later worked together in securing the library into the ground.

Everett said this post has been put up in honor of Janice Burton, a past State Farm Bureau chairwoman.

The committee is hopeful this project will be just the start of others.