Vote Tommy Potter for sheriff on Nov.

Published 8:41 pm Thursday, October 17, 2019


Never have I been involved in a local political contest until this year, however, I realize that our City and County have to have fresh leadership and we have to elect leaders who are not entrenched in the same old ways of doing things. Never did I believe that a local political campaign would be so important that I would get out and walk door to door to hand out flyers at 75 years old. Some would say my generation does not like change. Change doesn’t bother me but what does bother me is the direction our community has been heading for far too long.

Over the past few weeks, I have met a lot of nice people in our community who really appreciated our efforts in supporting a candidate with proven experience to bring needed change to our Sheriff’s Office. The candidate who can best bring positive change to our Sheriff’s Office is Tommy Potter.

He is the one candidate that will be the best and most effective in representing the Sheriff’s office at the local level with our Board of Supervisors or lobbying at the regional or state level. He is a natural in speaking clearly and always researches the issues so that he does not stumble or mumble.

His life experiences — from Eagle Scout, to EMT, to City of Franklin policeman, to managing security operations personnel (125 employees) after the [Hurricane] Katrina disaster in New Orleans, to Afghanistan to train, mentor and equip the National Police in Afghanistan, to the Isle of Wight Sheriff’s Office as a deputy and now as Lieutenant in investigations as well as the Public Information Officer for the Sheriff’s Office. He is a member of various civic and professional organizations that highlight his leadership abilities.

Tommy Potter has been open and transparent and honest in his campaign. He has the honesty and integrity needed for the job. He has the vision, knowledge and skills to make needed changes such as budget simplification, school visibility and interaction, accreditation standards for the department and career development for all officers.

The forums have been very enlightening. If you did not attend them, search for them on Facebook and other social media platforms. This man is far and away the best man for the job! Tommy Potter for Sheriff. Vote on Nov. 5.

Rebecca Butler
