The crunch heard ’round the Commonwealth
Published 1:08 am Saturday, October 12, 2019
- Stephen Faleski Tidewater News
In honor of Virginia’s Farm to School Week, Del. Emily Brewer (R-64) toured Isle of Wight County Schools’ Land Lab behind Windsor Elementary School on Wednesday, Oct. 9. The Land Lab is a working farm operated by high school students enrolled in the division’s agriculture program.
The tour concluded with Brewer and the students participating in the annual “crunch heard ‘round the Commonwealth,” a statewide campaign to promote the inclusion of fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables in school nutrition programs by having students simultaneously bite into Virginia-grown apples.
Virginia’s Farm to School Week coincides with National Farm to School Month. Pictured with Brewer (front row, left) are IWCS School Board Chairwoman Vicky Hulick and agriculture students Ruby Oliver (Smithfield High) and Ashley Vernon (Windsor High). In back, from left are Jayvon Delaigle-Thomas and Taylor Cornett, both of Smithfield High). Holding up two apples behind them is Desiree Langlais (Windsor High).