Lady Indians love their volleyball

Published 1:21 am Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ayana Bell, left, looks to return the volleyball to to Mackenzie Griffith during a recent practice. — Stephen H. Cowles Tidewater News

Girls continue to move ahead in season


Talking earlier this week to three members of the Southampton High School girls volleyball team, their enthusiasm for the game is quickly apparent, and one that is likely reflective of their teammates.

“I just love volleyball,” said junior Kinna Magette, who has been playing for nine years. “It keeps you in shape … I just love it!”

The daughter of Bob and Dee Dee Magette said she brings dedication and hard work, but believes that staying calm and level-headed are important for her to play effectively.

In front, from left, are Alexis Clapp and Kinna Magette; behind them, from left, are Mallory Francis and MacKenzie Beauvais — Stephen H. Cowles Tidewater News

Shea Lindsey, a sophomore, said she started playing in fifth grade because, “I wanted to play a contact sport,” adding that previously she rode horses, but now no longer. The daughter of Pryor and Sandra Lindsey thinks the strength she brings to the game is being consistently disciplined, but that she also needs to work on staying calm.

“If I have really bad plays, I have to let it go,” Lindsey said.

Mallory Francis, the only senior on the team this year, has been playing the game since fourth grade.

“All my friends wanted me to play,” she said by way of explanation about her start.

The daughter of Matt and Carla Francis added that her positive attributes where volleyball is concerned are confidence and preparedness. “I’m always being ready to go.”

“Serving for sure,” is Francis’ reply to what she needs to work on. She also likes that playing the game also inspires her to want to be a better person as well as a player.

When the trio was interviewed, they were about to go into practice. The next game was on Thursday against the Surry Lady Cougars, who they described as “very scrappy.”

As it turned out, the Lady Indians won 3-0 over Surry High that next day. For the remaining season, that’s one down and four more regular games to go before the girls can qualify for district level competition.

Their record so far stands at 11-2 in the district; 13-4 overall. Should the girls continue their winning, they could go to regionals and even state, none of which is new to the team. Speaking before practice mid-afternoon Wednesday, Coach Amy Davis said the team has gotten to state quarter and semi finals over the past few years. “The skies the limit,” she said.

Speaking of the coach, the threesome said they appreciate how supportive Davis is of the team to do its best, even outside of volleyball.

“She’s never really negative, and wants you to be a person of good character,” said the girls, who also encouraged their classmates to come out and support the home team as well.

“This is a really young team with one senior,” said Davis, who commended Francis for showing “lots of leadership. I’m impressed by how she stepped up.”

She added that the team is really focusing on the games by correctly doing little things such as fundamentals in serving, communicating and being in position.

The coach continued, “We’ve suffered some injuries, and I knew we’d be small going in. But when we play hard and keep mistakes to the minimum, we can compete against any team in the state of Virginia. I’m very proud of them. They’re really a great group to coach.”

The next game is on Wednesday, Oct. 16, at home against Greensville County High School, followed the next day by Windsor on the Lady Dukes’ court; start time is 5:30 p.m. for both events.