Emmanuel Episcopal to perform blessing of pets
Published 6:16 pm Friday, October 4, 2019
- People's beloved pets will receive blessings during the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, Oct. 6, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Franklin. Submitted

Ida Claire is among the many animals expected to attend the Blessing of the Pets service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 6, in Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Franklin.
As most everyone who has ever had pets might testify, such animals can enhance people’s lives.
In recognition of their uplifting presence, Emmanuel Episcopal Church will perform its annual “Blessing of the Pets” service, which takes place at the 10:30 a.m. service this Sunday, Oct. 6.
This ceremony is also done to honor the love and compassion that St. Francis of Assisi was known for when it came to all animals. His day of remembrance was on Friday.
“This is a really fun event,” said church member Vicki Brown, who added that in past services, people have brought chickens, hamsters and even stuffed animals. “We’re super excited about it.”
Brown, who plans to bring her little terrier, Ida Claire, said that to the best of her recollection the blessing ceremony as been done as far back as 2002, likely even further back.
People are invited to even bring photographs of their pets if the critters don’t travel well.
“The bond between person and pet is like no other relationship,” Brown later stated in an email. “Some people criticize the amount and cost of care given to pets. People are more important, they say. Care for poor people instead of poodles. And certainly our needy fellow humans should not be neglected.
“However, I believe every creature is important. The love we give to a pet, and receive from a pet, can draw us more deeply into the larger circle of life, into the wonder of our common relationship to our Creator.”
During the service, a part of the loose plate offering, as well as donated blankets and towels, will be sent to the Franklin Animal Shelter.
Emmanuel Episcopal is located at 400 N. High St., Franklin.
For more information, contact Brown at 633-4876.