Newsoms Golf Association again enriches local athletics

Published 5:35 pm Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Players also recognized for tournament play



andrew brown valley pine country club

Garnett Cleaton, left, congratulates Andrew Brown for his playing at the Valley Pine Country Club. Cleaton had won first, and Brown came in second place. Stephen H. Cowles | The Tidewater News

The Newsoms Athletic Association received $2,000, courtesy of the Newsoms Golf Association, on Saturday evening in the Newsoms Ruritan Clubhouse. This is the second consecutive contribution voted on by the NGA membership, which presented $1,700 in its inaugural year of 2018. Part of that money went to pay for a set of stadium bleachers, and another set will ordered with this year’s gift.

Pete Fowler, who initially organized the NGA and serves as coordinator, said that the money comes auction items, tournament fees and that each player donates approximately $10 per tournament. He confirmed that there were 33 members in the first year, and the NGA has since grown to 66.

Fowler also reported on tournament winners, listed below.

Beechwood Country Club

beechwood golf tournament

J.T. Belcher, left, and Stephen Drake are the fourth- and second-place winners, respectively, of the Beechwood Golf Tournament earlier this year. With them is Pete Fowler, president of the Newsoms Golf Association. Stephen H. Cowles | The Tidewater News

First – Joey Bolam

Second – Stephen Drake

Third – Tom Riddick

Fourth – J.T. Belcher

Fifth – Sanford Belcher

Sleepy Hole Golf Course

First – Hunter Rountree

Second – West Bryant

Third – Jack Bunn

Fourth – Steve Newsome

Fifth – Kenny Jarrett

Cypress Cove Country Club

First – Billy Britton

Second – West Bryant

Third – Josh Riddick

Fourth – Brent Edwards

Fifth – Randy Vann

Valley Pine Country Club

First – Garnett Cleaton

Second – Andrew Brown

Third – Clint Worrell

Fourth – Josh Riddick

Fifth – Curtis Drake

West Bryant was named both the NGA Tournament Champion and Overall Champion.

Overall second through fifth places were also recognized:

Second – Billy Britton

Third – Garnett Cleaton and Josh Riddick (tie)

Fourth – Henry Fowler, Clint Worrell, Travis Vann, Andrew Brown (all tied)

Fifth – Hunter Rountree