Homesteaders show their LOVE

Published 7:27 pm Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Joey Hernandez played his guitar and sang at the LOVE unveiling. With him is Arturo Dullas, son of Arcel and Paula. — Stephen H. Cowles Tidewater News


LOVE has come to the PandA Homestead.

At noon on Saturday, Paula and Arcel Dullas — with a little help from their friends — unveiled the LOVE sign that was created especially for their place. Serenading the occasion was Joey Hernandez, who played his guitar and sang The Beatles’ “All You Need is Love.”

The Arcels, including their son, Arturo, welcomed the visitors to both the big reveal and their home, inviting guests to see what they’ve done with the place since moving in during February 2017.

Paula said she hopes more homesteaders — and potential ones — will learn what her family is doing and “discover a way to be self-sufficient.” That includes not only growing blueberries and doing their own canning, but also raising poultry and livestock.

Ross Carson built the pressure-treated lettering, which he added took him about four weeks, all in August. Among the other people attending were aforementioned friends that helped to paint the letters featuring animals (Anna Nixon) and plants (Suzanne Nixon). The latter is also credited by Paula for making the idea happen.

The use of the LOVE logo is not something that people can willy-nilly set up at their home or business. Donna Powers and Teresa Robertson of Virginia Tourism, who were both present, said there is a process, and they directed potential sign builders and hosts to That will also take you to finding out the sign locations in the commonwealth.

For people interested in learning more about the homestead, the Dullases can be reached at 434-658-0516,, or via their website, Their residence is at 23332 Felton Drive, one turn off of U.S. Route 58 between Capron and Drewryville.