Summer Jam Youth travel to nation’s capital

Published 6:02 pm Monday, August 12, 2019

Boys imitate the throwing motion of Michael Jordan’s statue. — Frank A. Davis Tidewater News


Very early on Wednesday morning, youth and staff of the Franklin Super Summer Jam boarded a bus for the nation’s capital. Arriving in Washington, D.C., the group first walked the busy downtown streets to be able to view the front of the White House. With construction being done to the fence, the group was not able to get very close for photos as in past years.

After leaving the White House area, the group walked to the National Museum of African-American History and Culture.

On this educational trip, the group toured through toured this Smithsonian group museum, which consist of four floors underground and the four floor which are above ground. The timespan of history carried the group from the year 1400 to the present. As the groups walked through the levels, they were able to view many exhibits, videos, displays and images of information about that time in history.

Many reached the ground floor around lunchtime and there they ate lunch at the “Sweet Home Café’. On leaving the nation’s capital, of course the next stop before arriving home was the McDonalds in Fredericksburg.

The Franklin Summer Super Jam program is sponsored by the Franklin Boys & Girls Club of Southeast Virginia & the Franklin Department of Parks & Recreation.