Emmanuel Episcopal posts the good word
Published 6:55 pm Friday, April 19, 2019
- A very young member of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Franklin puts a book in the Little Free Library on the church property at High Street. -- Submitted Vicki Brown

The Little Free Library was donated by the Episcopal Church Women of Emmanuel Episcopal in Franklin, and dedicated on April 7. — Submitted Vicki Brown
Church women set up Little Free Library
A women’s group of a local church is doing its part to spread the good word, but not just that of the Bible.
On the morning of April 7, Emmanuel Episcopal Church on High Street in Franklin dedicated its first Little Free Library at Emmanuel.
According to church member Vicki Brown, the project was contributed by the congregation’sEpiscopal Church Women.
Brown stated in an email that the library is “Dedicated to the ladies past, present and future who work tirelessly to keep the church going. We, the ECW, will be the primary stewards of the Little Free Library.”
She continued, “Books included will be all genres for all ages except for one month of the year when the children of the church will be tasked with the care and feeding of our LFL. During the month of October, all the books will be for young people.
To learn more about contributing, call the church at 562-4542 Tuesday through Thrusday.