Drewryville Woman’s Club observes anniversary
Published 5:29 pm Tuesday, March 19, 2019
By Lynn Ramsey
The GFWC Drewryville Woman’s Club held its meeting on March 14, 2019. This meeting celebrated the 82nd anniversary of the club. Upon arriving, each club member was presented with a party hat, and later a birthday cake and other goodies were served to observe the occasion.
There have been many changes in the 82 years since the club formed. The club is also a part of the Southside District of Woman’s Clubs. The club owns the building, which was previously the Drewryville School Home Economics building. It has a special meaning to many of the residents for this building to still be used.
The club has many activities throughout the year. The members volunteer at Capron Elementary school and other schools throughout the county. A magazine called Kind News is purchased and given to each third and fourth grader at the school. School supplies are always needed at the school and they help with this also. General Mills box tops are collected, and the school can purchase items with the monies they receive from these box tops.
A scholarship is given each year to a graduating senior from the area. The applications are located with the guidance counselor of the high school. Bake sales are held to finance this project. If you see a bake sale by these ladies, stop and help us out. At this point a bake sale is scheduled on Tuesday, April 2, at Pope’s Slip-In in Capron, and at the Artisans’ Market on Saturday, May 4, also in Capron. They will begin at 10 a.m. Come and purchase some of the ladies’ delicious cakes and pies. There are very good cooks in the club. If you know one of them you can probably call and let them know what you like.
The club donates to Southampton Social Services by helping when asked in many ways. They donate personal hygiene items, fleeced blankets, food items or whatever is requested at this time.
The Relay For Life team is done in honor or memory of any cancer victims in the club.
They also have provided food, blankets, toys and many things needed for the Southside Animal Shelter.
The Southampton Health Department nurses are recognized for Nurses Week by providing lunch for the nurses.
Drink tabs are collected and sent to the Ronald McDonald House. Think about box tops and drink tabs, they’re something everyone can do and we all use them. Just get a container and start collecting them.
The club members promote may different objectives.
In January, they participate in a photography contest. The winners can then have their pictures entered the Southside District contest. In February, for Women’s Heart Month, they are asked to wear red on the day requested to commemorate heart disease. In April, pinwheels are displayed at the Woman’s Club Building for Child Abuse Prevention Month. In May, flags are placed on the graves of the veterans and a Memorial Day Service is held at the Drewryville Cemetery. The Boy Scouts present the flags. A veteran always speaks. The veterans are recognized for their service to the USA. The church bell rings at 3 p.m. for National Moment of Remembrance, which is observed nationally.
The members begin planning in September for the upcoming year. In October, the members are reminded that this month is for Breast Cancer Awareness month and Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention month. Items are collected and given to a domestic shelter for women in the area.
Each member is encouraged to vote in each election and is instructed and given the information on how to contact the elected representatives in the General Assembly and Congress. The club also is informed about the issues in the county government. A care package is sent to an active member of the military overseas if it is brought to the attention of the club.
Flags are flown in the village on major national holidays and wreaths are put up for Christmas. The biggest fundraiser for the club is the community Christmas tree. The club has bulbs on the tree that people connected with the area give in honor or in memory of that person. A program is held during the first of December. This includes the names of the people being read that the bulbs or given for. A short story with a Christmas meaning is read, carols are sung and then everyone gathers outside for the tree lighting. Afterward, Thomas Memorial Baptist Church provides a spaghetti supper. This is an event that is enjoyed by all. This officially begins the Christmas season. The Woman’s Club and the Ruritan Cub celebrate the Christmas season by going out and enjoying a meal together.
Throughout the community there are beautiful flower containers placed which members keep flowers in them for different times of the year. Drewryville Woman’s Club also supports the Boy Scouts, Drewryville Volunteer Fire Department, Capron Fire and Rescue and Capron Drewryville Athletic Association. The club also works on many projects with the Drewryville Ruritan Club.
Each month they have an interesting program to keep the members up to date on information and happenings in the county. As you can see, the ladies of the Drewryville Woman’s Club are very busy. We are always searching for prospective members.
If you are interested in joining this group of amazing ladies, you can contact Debbie Starke. Her number is 651-9427.