VDOE announces 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant competition

Published 5:00 am Saturday, March 2, 2019

Charles Pyle, Julie Grimes


The Virginia Department of Education is inviting school divisions, nonprofit organizations, local government agencies, faith-based organizations, colleges and universities, and for-profit corporations to apply for 21st Century Community Learning Centers grants.

The federal grant program, authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, supports community-based programs that provide tutoring, enrichment and counseling during non-school hours — especially for economically disadvantaged students and students who attend low-performing schools.

Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. VDOE expects to award approximately 30 three-year grants of $50,000 to $200,000 per year for three years and will give priority to applications that meet any or all of the following criteria:

• Joint applications between at least one school division and at least one public or private community organization;

• Proposals to serve students in schools that either are a comprehensive support and improvement school, targeted support and improvement, additional targeted support and improvement school, and/or are accredited with conditions or accreditation denied;

• Proposals to serve students in middle or high schools; or

• Proposals to serve students who attend schools with free and reduced-price lunch eligibility of 75 percent or greater.

Applicants must consult and collaborate with parents, community organizations, businesses, arts and cultural organizations, and other youth development agencies in developing proposals for 21st Century Community Learning Centers.

VDOE will conduct technical assistance workshops for potential applicants on Tuesday, March 5, 2019, in Fredericksburg; Wednesday, March 6, in Richmond; and Monday, March 11, in Roanoke. The request for proposals and technical assistance workshop registration information are available on the VDOE website.

Applications must be received by 4 p.m., Friday, April 12.

CHARLES PYLE is director of media relations for the VDOE. He can be reached at 804-371-2420.

JULIE GRIMES is the communications manager for the VDOE. She can be reached at 804-225-2543.