Capron students take Bear Stroll Challenge

Published 5:41 pm Friday, February 8, 2019

By Kathy Thompson

Will Holland and Kemya Powell

Will Holland and Kemya Powell were the first lucky recipients of the Capron Bear Stroll Challenge. They are holding the cameras they received for their good behavior. Submitted | Kathy Thompson

In an effort to reinforce good behavior in the hallways traveling back and forth from classes, the teachers and staff at Capron Elementary School have been rewarding the kids for their efforts. Whenever a staff member notices a student following school rules and quietly walking the Capron Bear Stroll, the child’s name is written on a raffle ticket. The ticket was then entered into a drawing to win a Polaroid camera. The positive participation from the children has been astounding. The students have been doing a remarkable job showing excellent behavior in the hallways.

Will Holland and Kemya Powell were the first lucky recipients of the Capron Bear Stroll Challenge.