Felicia Blow featured in ‘Diverse Voices’ book
Published 11:05 am Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Franklin area resident and Hampton University alumna Felicia Blow was featured in the Public Relations Society of America Foundation’s launch of a first-of-its-kind diversity initiative — the book “Diverse Voices: Profiles in Leadership.” The book is designed to help the communications industry better understand the challenges faced by minorities in the field.
Blow was among 40 multicultural corporate, organizational and agency leaders and executives featured who shared candid anecdotes detailing successes and challenges that they faced during their career, as well as tips and lessons for those entering the field.
“I was extremely proud and honored to be invited to participate in this book. Sharing anecdotes and observations over my career and what those instances have meant to me, was extremely difficult to communicate at times, but very cathartic. This book will be a great

Felicia Blow
tool and resource, not only for students and educators but for managers of all levels, in agencies, corporate communications departments and organizations,” said Blow, who is now associate vice president and director of the $150 million Campaign for Hampton.
PRSA Foundation President Judith Harrison said, “Their paths to success, which are equally diverse, have at times been mired by unconscious bias and, in some instances, conscious racism. These stories not only provide great insight into the challenges that multicultural professionals face within PR, but also offer real advice on how the industry can work together to create a more inclusive profession.”
Book editors and Founders of the Museum of Public Relations, New York, indicated that during 2019, the PRSA Foundation will organize Diverse Voices panel discussions at colleges and universities throughout the country, utilizing, where possible, the book’s participants as panelists.
“Our intention is to provide diverse students with guidance to get a good head start upon graduation, and begin successful career trajectories in the field of public relations,” said Shelley Spector.
“Diverse Voices: Profiles in Leadership” is supported by an industry-wide effort to help improve diversity and inclusion. Partners include: The Public Relations Student Society of America; Page, PR Council; Institute for Public Relations; The LAGRANT Foundation, The International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communications; the National Black Public Relations Society; Hispanic Public Relations Association; The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations; The International Communications Consultancy Organization; and The Society for New Communications Research of The Conference Board, among others.
The PRSA Foundation, an independent, 501(c)(3) charity, supports outreach to diverse students to attract them to PR and make them better prepared to contribute to the profession and to society when they enter the workforce, through partnerships with leading universities and professional organizations. For more information regarding the PRSA Foundation, its activities and its full board of trustees, visit www.prsafoundation.org.