Sedley native to celebrate 105 years
Published 10:57 am Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Lillian Ricks, aka “Ms. Lillian” celebrates her 105th birthday on Wednesday, Dec. 19. She is the fourth of nine children, and one of two remaining alive.

Lillian Ricks
Her one and only marriage of 56 years was to Calvin Ricks, who died in 1991. From that union were born six children including a set of twin boys; two of her children are deceased. She is grandmother to six; great-grandmother to five; and great-great-grandmother to four.
Ms. Lillian has always put her faith and family first.
Other areas of primary interest to her include cooking, immaculate housekeeping, sewing, shopping, gardening and travelling.
She has had a great love for Bible study and solving crossword puzzles; she’s never known the taste of strong/alcoholic drink, tobacco or any vices she considers unhealthy — all of these and all things in moderation she believes are secrets to longevity.