Two events kick off fall tourism season
Published 11:44 am Saturday, September 1, 2018
by Lauren V. Sloan
Saturday, Sept. 8, is proving to be an exciting and dynamic day in the Franklin and Southampton area. Two remarkable events will kick off the fall season with a bang: Heritage Day and the Franklin Cruise-In Finale.

Naomi Kootz poses on her motorcycle in front of the Virginia Tourism Corporation traveling LOVE letters. — Submitted
Heritage Day will celebrate its 25th Annual event this year at the Southampton County Agricultural and Forestry Museum. Experience heritage craftsmen making butter, hominy, molasses, cracklings, soap and baskets.
Live music will be provided. Experience a family fun hayride or shop for handmade arts and crafts. Grab lunch on site. The Rebecca Vaughan House will be open with a display of local historical items. All activities except food are included in admission price ($5/adults, $2/children.) For directions or information, call 653-9554.
The Franklin Cruise-In will be held in Downtown Franklin. The event runs from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Last year’s event spotlighted 419 cars, and this year’s event is anticipating well over 500 vehicles participating. Mike Smith, co-founder of the Franklin Cruise-In, shares his event excitement.
“We invite everyone out, including car cruisers, enthusiasts and admirers to join us as we celebrate the Franklin Cruise-In Grand Finale. Vintage and custom vehicles will be on display all day, our three $1,000 cash prize winners will be selected, a 2018 Customized Golf Cart will be given away, many door prizes will be handed out, and a scholarship honoring Casey Rich will be awarded to one deserving high school senior — don’t miss out on this special event!”
In addition, Franklin’s Market on Main will be open with local vendors selling produce and handmade products. An artisan craft show will take place inside the Main Event, located at 110 N. Main St. A Poker Walk will take place, with 10 Downtown Franklin businesses participating. The Virginia Tourism Corporation will be providing their traveling LOVE letters in front of the historic Train Depot building. Attendees will be able to upload pictures with the hashtag #LOVEVA. The event is free and family friendly. For complete event information, visit the Franklin Cruise-In Facebook page.
We invite you to visit Franklin and Southampton and “Escape to Tradition” at these two wonderful community events. Want to be in the ‘tourism know’ all year long? Follow ‘Visit Franklin Southampton VA’ on Facebook and Instagram.
LAUREN V. SLOAN is the Business Development manager for the FSEDI. Contact her at 562-1958.