Mahone’s Tavern awarded grant

Published 10:08 am Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Mahone’s Tavern & Museum Inc. has already started putting recently received grant money to work in order to let more people know about the historic site.

Via the press release sent on Tuesday, board vice president and trustee Earl Blythe announced that the Virginia Tourism Corporation, working with the 2019 Commemoration, American Evolution, had recently awarded unnamed funds to Mahone’s Tavern.

“We had to apply for this grant and it was awarded on a competitive basis,” Blythe later said when questioned further. He did not want to specify the amount.

“We have already received our grant funds and have completed our rack card design and printing and have almost completed the conversion of our website to a more responsive website for mobile devices and PayPal integration,” said Blythe. “Insercorp is doing the website work for us and also did the rack card design work for us. Mackan’s did the printing of the rack card.”

He stated that the purpose of the marketing grant program, which was administered by the Virginia Tourism Corp., is to help Virginia localities “establish and market their own destination, history and connection to the 2019 Commemoration, American Evolution.”

That commemoration, added Blythe “was created by the Virginia General Assembly to plan, develop and carry out programs and activities under the brand American Evolution to commemorate the 400th anniversary of key historic events that occurred in Virginia during 1619, and that continue to influence our nation today.”

Blythe said, “The board of directors is grateful to be chosen as a recipient of this grant and expects these additional marketing efforts will inform a wide audience of people of the historical significance of this National Register of Historic Places and Virginia Landmarks Register site, and encourage more people to visit Mahone’s Tavern and other local places of interest.”