DGIF officers participate in social media lip sync challenge
Published 11:28 am Wednesday, August 1, 2018
- For some fun, DGIF Conservation Police Officers have been participating in the Facebook Lip Sync Challenge. -- Courtesy
by Paige Pearson
The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) Conservation Police Officers have participated in the Facebook Lip Sync Challenge! Using Luke Bryan’s popular song “Huntin’ Fishin’ Lovin’ Everyday,” DGIF Officers came together to bring a little fun and humor to the citizens of the Commonwealth.
It was not hard to create a gorgeous video using all of what Virginia has to offer. From the mountains to the sea, we were able to highlight our great outdoors. Conservation Police Officers, and officers in general, have a tough job protecting our state so every now and then, deserve to have a little fun. DGIF worked as a team to create this, with officers all over the state and with our very own videography crew. Using multiple devices, we were able to highlight so much more. From laying in the grass to capture the perfect shot, to using aerial drone footage to follow an officer and his patrol boat running down the Eastern Shore.
Please take a moment to enjoy our outdoors version of the Lip Sync Challenge. We are proud to have these CPOs on our team and hope you see how incredibly gorgeous Virginia really is. The video can be viewed at: https://bit.ly/2AhJdEa.
Paige Pearson is a spokesperson for the DGIF. She can be reached at 804-370-0044 or paige.pearson@dgif.virginia.gov.