Voter says his research shows people favor Pope

Published 10:47 am Wednesday, July 18, 2018

To the Editor:

I support Lieutenant James Pope for sheriff of Isle of Wight County. Even though I personally like Pope and have worked with him the past several years in an organization that benefits the community and find him to be dedicated to his career and the citizens of the county and knowledgeable about all facets of law enforcement, those things in themselves are not enough for me to support someone for such an important position.

After 42 years as an investigator in and working with law enforcement I know that the one you like the best or who looks the best on paper is in many cases not the best person for an important position. You go to the people in their profession that they work with and around and ask who they think is best for the position. The great majority of everyone I spoke with say that person is James Pope.

As far as the comments I continue to see stating that a special election was a way to disfranchise voters, and that there was some sinister motive, nothing is more ridiculous. I attended both candidate forums and both were packed with citizens. Signs are everywhere and anyone with any knowledge at all knows there is an election and when it is. Voters have been able to concentrate on this important local election without all of the clutter that is upcoming with the November General Election.

I am disappointed that someone is attempting to drag this election down the rat hole of racism. Especially when that someone in 2013 was asked to resign his county position by other county officials and the NAACP because he sent what they stated were racist e-mails. I have seen nothing racist in this election so far.

Volpe Boykin